Knife Certified!


October 16, 2024

All the teens are knife certified! Can they tell you the guidelines for using their knives at VWP? To truly learn something, try to teach it.  The teens easily engaged in their dramatic side to do skits to show the younger students some of the don'ts and do's of knives. We then wandered, played games, and began building on our knife skills to carve a spindle for a bow drill kit.

We then carried a long section of cedar back to our fire circle at Birch and began another carving project. Did your teen show you what they began? Could you tell what it was? Was it easy or challenging for them? Working with knives takes practice and attention. After they had all been working a long while we asked if they wanted a break... wanted to play a game?  The response was immediate and unanimous: "No , we want to continue carving." And so we did.