Fall Rainbows and Grasshoppers on Turtle Island


September 29th 2023

Blue skies, crisp cool air, and sunshine greeted us all last Friday as we gathered the wind for the second time this program year.  At our home base, Toads Crossy Roads, we heard a story about Skywoman and the birth of Turtle Island in a story from oral tradition, reimagined by Robin Wall Kimmerer of the Potowatomi Tribe.

Falling from the sky carrying a bundle of seeds and fruits in her hand, Skywoman was welcomed with open wings by the geese, assisted by the deep diving animals of the water, and Turtle who invited her to spread mud onto their back. The alchemy of Skywoman's great gratitude, her handful of seeds, the first rays of light pouring from the sky, and the support of all the animals, created Turtle Island, the place we all call home today.

We wandered in two different groups in the afternoon: one climbed trees and created rainbows from colorful leaves, the other invited Grasshopper to jump onto their hands.  What a difference in viewpoint to invite grasshopper to sit with us rather than chasing and catching them! This is a new idea for many of the children, and the introduction of "asking for consent" from each other and the natural world. This is a vision that we are excited to explore and review this year.