VWP Programs 2020-2021 - FAQ’s
Will you be running programs outside this Fall?
Yes! VWP falls under Washington State Department of Health (WADOH) Youth Development/Child Care/Summer Camp guidelines and can operate programs regardless of phase per Governor Inslee's Safe Start plan. So for all intents and purposes we are planning to be and stay outside all year :-).
My child’s school is only online this Fall. How is VWP able to operate?
VWP is governed by different guidelines than the schools, specifically the WADOH Youth Development/Child Care/Summer Camp guidelines. We can run our all outdoor programs programs even if the schools are not able to bring children back to the classroom.
Will you reduce group sizes?
Yes, group sizes will be reduced within each of our programs. We’ll continue to maintain our already small child:adult ratios (7:1 for our 4-6 year old programs; 9:1 for our 7-12 year old and teen programs). Children will remain in their small pod for most of the day. When space allows, no more than two small pods may be paired together in a cohort, for a maximum of 22 children and adults per cohort.
Will groups and cohorts mix?
No. In order to minimize exposure risk, we’ll keep each group/cohort together throughout the day with the same staff each time. Groups won’t mix with other groups outside of their cohort; cohorts won’t mix with other cohorts. That means we’ll be eliminating large group activities that involve all children and staff in a single program or between programs, choice-based guilds in which children change group configurations, and rotating mentors between groups/cohorts.
Will you practice physical distancing?
Yes! Guidelines require that we practice physical distancing as much as possible. We're changing practices/activities/games/etc. to allow for that, with the recognition that it’s not possible to maintain 6 feet distance at all times.
It’s important to note that being outdoors also requires tending to additional physical and emotional needs of children in our care: offering a hand to hold for safety on a trail, ensuring access to a warm fire, administering first aid, or comforting a scared young child, will all be done within the context of our health and hygiene practices to minimize risk of exposure.
What’s the reality of physical distancing with children?
It’s not possible to expect that young children (or all children, for that matter) will consistently maintain physical distancing. That’s why the guidelines specifically state that physical distancing should be maintained as much as possible. We’ll remind everyone often (in clear and fun ways) to ensure that we all do our best to maintain 6 feet as much as possible.
Will adults and children wear face coverings?
Yes! Per health guidelines for outdoor activities, we will all be wearing cloth face coverings whenever we are not able to be physically distanced (6 feet apart). Instructors will be responsible for determining if and when physical distancing can be maintained; kids will only remove masks with permission from an instructor. VWP will provide a cloth face covering to each child, and children must bring a back-up from home. There may be certain individuals exempt from wearing a face covering for medical or behavioral health reasons.
Will you conduct a health screening?
Yes! In order to maintain everyone’s safety, we will be following state guidelines for screening and keeping logs of everyone who comes to program (kids, staff, and volunteers). We will take everyone’s temperature using no-contact forehead thermometers. Anyone who has a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or who answers “yes” to any of the health screening questions regarding Covid symptoms or exposure will not be allowed to attend program. We’ll require folks to stay home for 10 days since symptoms onset and 72 hours after any fever has passed and symptoms are improving before returning to program.
What hygiene practices will you implement?
Hygiene is already an important priority at our programs. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be available at all times to the staff and children. Handwashing will be used whenever possible. We’ll all be cleaning our hands upon arrival, before meals or snacks, after going to the bathroom, after nose blowing or sneezing, and before leaving to go home. Covering coughs and sneezes, disposing of tissues, not touching one’s face without washing will all be part of the routine. We tend not to share equipment but will develop a detailed plan for the use and sanitization of any shared equipment.
Will Drop-Off and Pick-Up be different?
Yes! We will have a new system in place that keeps families physically distant from each other and minimizes the need for families to enter the program areas. Staff will greet families in their car each morning for a health screening, temp check and sign-in. Kids who are cleared to attend will be directed to join their specific group and mentors in a designated area. Kids will remain in their pods in the field for parent pick-up (masks on, physically distanced, please).